Welcome to eARTh !

TRIBAL eARTh GALLERY specializes in high quality tribal art and in contemporary Australian Aboriginal paintings.

The private gallery is located in the Hollywood Hills area of Los Angeles. The showroom presents stunning examples of how to integrate ethnic sculpture and architectural elements with contemporary art. Please contact us for an appointment.

In TRIBAL ART, our inventory is distinguished by the power of form that has inspired many important 20th century artists such as Picasso and Matisse. Ritual objects, like ancestor figures, dance masks and divination objects make for a fascinating blend with utilitarian pieces, like posts, doors, stools, headrests as well as items of personal adornment.

Contemporary Australian ABORIGINAL PAINTINGS from the Central Desert have entered the international art market only in the last 25 years. Often described as one of the last major frontiers of contemporary art, they resonate with the timeless culture of the first Australians. Ancient images of the Dreamtime and sacred ceremonies now live on in an abstract style and the modern medium of painted canvas. These paintings create a dramatic artistic complement to tribal sculpture from other ethnicities of the world.

TRIBAL eARTh GALLERY supports the cultures whose art we are selling. We donate a percentage of each sale to projects that promote health, education and skills development of indigenous people.